Become A Market Vendor
All of the markets are curated to ensure high-quality vendors. Please apply below to become a market vendor.​​​​​
​The Barn Sale Market​
November 16-17
8 am until 3 pm
Spaces vary by location:
12'x12' Enclosed Barn Stall ($60 per day)
8'x6' Alleyway Space ($45 per day)
Open to:
All San Diego County Makers and Crafters*
Native American Makers and Crafters*
Food Trucks or Similar ($50 per day)
San Diego County Farmers ($20 per day)
Under 18 - Jr. Entrepreneurs ($15 per day)​
*Maker's Category
All items MUST be made by you or your business and of your own design.
Items not permitted: Mass produced goods, MLM products or independent sales reps.
If you are accepted to the market you will be notified via email from KATIE@MESAGRANDEBDC.COM. An invoice for payment will be sent via email. The vendor will have THREE days (72 hours) to pay before the space is given to the next vendor. No Exceptions.
Sunset Market (Farmer's Market)
Winter Hours
First and Third Wednesday
12:30 - Dark
December - February
Spaces are 10'x10x
Open to:
All San Diego County Farmers ($15 per market)
Food Trucks or similar ($25 per market)
Native American Crafters ($20 per market)